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The week of the Photo Plus Expo is a special time for us here at DTDCH. It’s now the first week after Photo Plus Expo 2015 and we’re all still catching our breath. In one week we hosted a presentation on Multispecteral Imaging at The Morgan with our partners at RB Toth (Thank you!), two break-out sessions at our NY office on AutoCropping and Film Scanning, a 12-year Anniversary Party at Penumbra Studios and ran a booth for the three-day Photo Plus Expo. We were also very fortunate to have two key personnel from Phase One Denmark, Peter Stig Nielson (Product Manager Phase One Cultural Heritage) and Niels Knudsen (Phase One’s Image Quality Professor) on hand.

Niels Knudsen Teaching Cultural Heritage Color Applications

Niels Knudsen Teaching Cultural Heritage Color Applications

During this time we broke down and set up our new DT Atom copy stand system five times, which made for a great test of it’s promised feature of increased portability. This level of activity would not have been possible just a few years ago, but having grown to a staff of eighteen, DT is able to take on bigger challenges than ever. To all of our clients that made this growth possible: thank you. We look forward more than ever to next year’s Photo Plus Expo week.

For those that missed our presentations on AutoCropping and Film Scanning please find below links to the slide deck for these presentations. Of course much of the content and meaning of the slide deck is lost without the accompanying explanation and discussion; so if you’d like to discuss any part of these presentations don’t hesitate to email, call, or send a courier pigeon. We’d love to hear from you.

Auto Cropping Presentation | Film Scanning Presentation